My journey

My story started off with a little girl who had the courage to dream big dreams. Everyday she would run home from school to watch The Oprah Winfrey Show, and was convinced that she too would one day have a large platform through which she would inspire the world. She didn’t know how, but she knew, very early on, deep inside, that she had a powerful Gd-given gift of communication she had to share.



Society had other plans for me and, as I grew older, I swapped the big dreams for the more manageable ones. I adapted to what others expected me to be- becoming the ultimate people pleaser. “Color within the lines!” “Water it down- you’re too much” they would say. So, I reluctantly did, always keeping my dreams in my back pocket, while learning to live within society’s expectations. I, like you, stuck to the script others wrote for me for far too long.

I checked off ALL the boxes set forth for me:

Earn a UCLA Bachelor’s Degree in Communications Summa Cum Laude ✓
Establish a successful career in non-profit ✓
Earn a UCLA MBA Degree in finance ✓
Secure a career at Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan ✓
Get married ✓
Become a mom ✓

My Mission

It was at this juncture, at my lowest point, that I delved deeper in my study of the law of attraction, Jewish theology and matters of the spiritual soul. The deeper I dived into manifesting my highest vision, the more my soul would light up like nothing I’ve ever experienced. While I knew I tapped into truth, I realized that it was in sharing my path on living an authentically inspired life that brought me the most fulfillment. No accolade hanging on my walls brought me as much meaning as coaching others on how they too could write their own life script and actualize their greatest joy.

It was as though that little girl with big dreams was back again, this time for good! Once I discovered this sense of purpose unleashed deep within me, I knew I was ready now to truly change people’s lives in the most powerful way. When I was ready to step into my divine light I knew I had to help people find theirs.

Social media makes us feel alone, but it doesn't have to. I strive to fight social media's:

Come Join Me

Now, I’ve found my way on this journey of living in alignment- dedicated to our highest calling. I believe I have stumbled upon magic and have been able to share my strategies to help so many. I stand just one step ahead of you, reaching out my hand for you to grab. I’ve discovered the true path to endless abundance, and best of all, I can’t wait to take you along with me. It’s time to start dreaming with your eyes open and living the life you can’t wait to wake up for every single morning.