Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Mirror Mirror On The Wall You sit there seemingly harmless, hanging quietly on my bathroom wall. Sometimes I dread to look at you. At times I would rather turn off the lights and walk away. Perhaps if I wash my hands looking down I can avoid eye contact all together. It’s not so much the

When The Swings Swung A Bit Higher

When The Swings Swung A Bit Higher “Mommy, higher, higher!” my daughter implored.  “One second My Love, I just need to send this message” as I responded, with one hand pushing her on the swing and the other speed typing away on my iPhone. “Push me with both hands, Mommy!” “Just another second, Mama’s almost

Blank Pages

Blank Pages I was awakened by the sound of my doorbell, whose harmonious chimes sounded particularly celestial that morning, as if the Philharmonic Orchestra was performing live in my home. I just knew a heavenly delivery awaited me, and the suspense was killing me. I threw on my robe and nearly flew down the stairs.

Toys R Us

Toys R Us We have all seen that mom at our local toy store-that mom, the one that is carrying her kicking and screaming child out the store. That mom that has that “poor child” begging her for just one toy. You probably still remember the look of devastation and sadness in that kid’s face.

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